Daily Dose #8 The Perfect Food For Weight Loss detox diet fat loss health nutrition Jul 30, 2024

Picture this: you're standing in the grocery store aisle, staring at magazine covers blaring headlines like "Three Foods Your Body Craves When Dieting!" and "Five Foods You Must Eat for Good Health!" Cue the panic—are you missing out on these magical foods that promise to transform you into...

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The Daily Dose #6 Detox is BS detox nutrition weight loss Jul 25, 2024

Alright, buckle up because we're about to dive into the wild world of detoxes. Spoiler alert: they're a total waste of time. Those fancy detox products you see lining the shelves? Pure nonsense. Let's get into why detoxes are the biggest scam since snake oil.

The Detox Delusion

Detox products...

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Daily Dose #4 Is Sugar Really Bad For You? bellyfat fat loss nutrition sugar Jul 23, 2024

We've all heard it: "Sugar is bad for you!" But is it really? Let's dive into the sweet truth and debunk this myth once and for all.

Understanding Sugar: The Sweet Spectrum

First things first, let's talk about what sugar actually is. The term "sugar" is often used as a blanket statement without...

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Is Fasting an Effective Strategy for Achieving Weight Loss? fasting fat loss nutrition weight loss Aug 14, 2023


Fasting has surged in popularity as a method to transform the body and lifestyle. It's been embraced by many for its benefits but also shrouded in confusion and misinformation. From intermittent fasting to 72-hour fasts, fasting's complexity needs to be explored and understood. Below, I...

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Can Targeted Exercise Lead to a Flat Stomach 👀? abs fat loss nutrition toning weight loss Aug 09, 2023



Training Abs: More Than Just High Reps

Your abs are muscles like biceps, quads, and pecs, and they need specific...

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