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The 3-Step Weight Loss Formula: The Path to Sustainable Success

fat loss weight loss Sep 01, 2023

In the 21st century, there's no shortage of ways to lose weight. From keto to cardio, gastric sleeves to intermittent fasting, people are shedding pounds in myriad ways. And while many achieve significant weight loss through these methods, the harsh reality is that most gain it all back. I've spoken with countless individuals who've lost over 100 pounds through various approaches, only for them to tell me how they eventually gained it all back, and in a lot of cases more than what they initially lost. How? Because we don't have a "weight loss problem"; we have a "weight regain problem." That's why it's crucial to understand the pre-step to our 3-step formula for sustainable weight loss: How you lose weight will dictate how you maintain it. This is not about top-secret dieting or magical exercise regimens. Sustainable weight loss doesn't require you to count every calorie or work out seven days a week. What it does require is a fundamental change in your lifestyle.

Let's be clear. A meal plan or a workout routine is not a life-changer; it's a temporary fix. But a change in your lifestyle—that's what will rewrite your story. You don't need to be in the gym five days a week or become a lifelong calorie counter. But you do need to understand your body, your needs, and your nutritional intake well enough that you can maintain your weight intuitively. I've been where you are, and over a decade later, I no longer count calories or weigh food; I've learned to eyeball it, to listen to my body's needs. You should be eating with one of three goals in mind: to maintain your current body, to build muscle, or to lean out. If you're not aware of your intake, you'll be flying blind.

Learning to track your food is like learning to count. You start with the basics—fingers, toes, and yes, even beans—until it becomes second nature. The more you learn, the easier it gets. Why spend years attempting to lose weight when you could invest time in learning how to do it sustainably first? Your body is infinitely more valuable than any machine, so why not invest the time to truly understand it? Now that we've laid the groundwork and acknowledged that a lifestyle change is the only way to achieve and maintain your weight loss, let's dive into the 3-step formula that will make your weight loss journey sustainable and successful.

Step 1 - Nutrition: "Why Does the Scale Say That?"

Understanding why your body is at its current weight is the cornerstone of making any effective change. Let's strip this down to basics: Your body, much like your smartphone, needs constant energy to function. This energy is measured in calories, which aren't an actual "thing" but a unit of measurement for the energy that food provides. Whether you're browsing through social media on your phone or reading this article, you're expending energy. Your body, too, burns calories for everything it does—be it as significant as a workout or as subtle as cellular repair.

Establishing Your Baseline

To figure out your "maintenance calories"—the amount you need to maintain your current weight—you'll need to track two key elements: your food intake and your physical activity. Simple enough, right? Record what you eat and your steps every day for about 2-4 weeks. Take the average and boom that's your baseline. This number will dictate whether you need to eat less to lose weight or eat more to build muscle.

Making the Right Call

Here's where it gets nuanced: Let's say you want to lose 30 pounds. If you find you're maintaining your current weight on just 1,200 calories a day, cutting calories is not the answer. Eating so few calories is already dangerously low. Your best approach in this situation would be to focus on boosting your metabolism by building muscle. This will help you increase your caloric maintenance level without putting on additional body fat. Over time you will then regain the ability to go into a caloric deficit and lose body fat.  Let’s be very clear.  One of the main reasons that millions of people cannot lose weight is because they have slowed their metabolism so low.  I have encountered hundreds of women who weighed 250 lbs plus and were maintaining said weight on 1500 calories or less from years of yo-yo diets, crash diets, and endless cardio. Having a slow metabolism is like having bad credit.  It’s going to make life extremely difficult and you won’t be able to get what you truly want until you fix it.  Like bad credit, this takes time to fix, but if don’t fix it, things will only get worse.  Remember, you must be in a caloric deficit to lose weight.  This is the law of thermodynamics.  Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  It can only be transferred from one form to the next.  If your body is surviving off low energy (calories) how are you going to go into a deficit?  Exactly, you need to fix this first, and increasing your metabolism is the key.  

Conversely, if you're maintaining your weight at 3,000 calories, you've got room to cut calories for weight loss. But should you? Not so fast. Just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should*. It might be more beneficial to spend some time building muscle first, especially if you haven't engaged in proper strength training for at least a year. 

Body Recomposition: A Cautionary Tale

Now, there are some instances, particularly for those who are significantly overweight, where you could focus on losing fat while also building muscle, a process known as body recomposition. However, this is a complex and nuanced strategy that isn't suitable for everyone. Many people who attempt this without understanding the complexities end up "skinny fat" rather than lean and defined.

Step 1B: Beyond Calories—Why Macros Matter

The Importance of Macros

So you've decided to cut calories. Well if you're looking for a complete body transformation, focusing on calories alone won't cut it. Enter Macros: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These are not just numbers on a nutrition label; they are the building blocks that dictate the type of weight you'll lose or gain—be it muscle or fat.

Let's delve into more details about each macronutrient—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—and their specific roles in both the body and weight loss.


Role in Body

Proteins are essentially the building blocks of life. They make up the structure of your muscles, skin, organs, and even your hormones. Composed of amino acids, proteins are vital for various biochemical processes including metabolism, DNA replication, and the transportation of molecules.

Growth: Proteins are crucial for cellular growth and repair, impacting everything from the development of tissues to wound healing.

Enzymatic Actions: Proteins act as enzymes that facilitate biochemical reactions, aiding in digestion, energy production, and other metabolic processes.

Importance in Weight Loss

Preserve Muscle Tissue: When you're trying to lose weight, the goal is to lose fat and not muscle. Protein aids in preserving lean muscle mass, especially when you're in a caloric deficit.

Satiety: High-protein foods take longer to digest, helping you feel full longer and reducing the urge to snack or overeat. 


Role in Body

Nutrient Absorption: Fats are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

Hormone Production: Fats, specifically cholesterol, are precursors to hormones like estrogen and testosterone.

Importance in Weight Loss

Satiety: Like proteins, fats also have a high satiety value. They help regulate hunger and fullness hormones like ghrelin and leptin, making it easier to stick to your caloric goals.

Energy Reserves: Fats serve as an energy reserve. When your body is in a caloric deficit, it taps into fat stores for energy, aiding in weight loss.


Role in Body

Energy Source: Carbohydrates are your body's preferred source of immediate energy, especially during high-intensity activities.

Brain Function: Glucose from carbs is the primary fuel source for your brain, affecting focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function.

Importance in Weight Loss

Quick Energy: If you're engaged in frequent or high-intensity exercise, carbs can provide the quick energy needed to perform at your best, which in turn can increase your caloric expenditure.

Glycogen Replenishment: Consuming carbs helps replenish glycogen stores in the muscles and liver, which can improve performance and speed up recovery, thereby aiding in weight loss over time.

Understanding these functions and implications can help you tailor your diet more effectively for either weight loss or muscle gain or even for just maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

When aiming for sustainable weight loss while preserving muscle, the key lies in tailoring your macro ratios to fit your unique circumstances. These ratios aren't one-size-fits-all; they depend on various factors, including:

Factors Affecting Your Individualized Macro Ratios for Weight Loss

Current Body Composition

Your current ratio of muscle to fat will influence how your body processes different macros. For instance, individuals with higher muscle mass may require more protein to sustain muscle, while those with higher body fat percentages might focus on lowering carbohydrate intake initially.

Metabolic Rate

When it comes to sustainable weight loss while maintaining muscle, understanding your metabolic rate is the cornerstone. Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) form the basis for how many calories your body needs each day. Calculating these rates in Step 1 helps you set an informed caloric maintenance level—the amount of calories needed to maintain your current weight. This information is crucial for determining your ideal macro ratios of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Your activity level and fitness goals further fine-tune these ratios. If you're more active, you'll naturally burn more calories and may need higher quantities of certain macros, particularly carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle recovery. On the flip side, a sedentary lifestyle would mean fewer carbs and possibly more protein to maintain muscle mass while losing fat.

In the context of weight loss, you'd generally aim for a higher percentage of protein to ensure muscle preservation in a calorie-deficit scenario. The caloric deficit ensures you lose weight, and adequate protein intake helps ensure that the weight lost is fat and not muscle. This approach is individualized, based on your unique metabolic rate and lifestyle, making it a tailored and sustainable path to weight loss and muscle maintenance.

Personal Preferences and Tolerances

Personal preferences and tolerances play a significant role in determining your ideal macro ratios, particularly when your goal is sustainable weight loss while preserving muscle mass.

For example, if you're someone who feels more satiated and energetic on a high-fat diet, you may prefer to allocate a larger percentage of your daily caloric intake to fats. This can help you stick to your calorie-restricted plan more easily, which is key for weight loss. Conversely, if you're an athlete or engage in high-intensity workouts regularly, your body might respond better to a diet richer in carbohydrates to fuel your activities and aid in recovery.

Personal tolerances and sensitivities should not be overlooked either. Some people may have medical conditions such as insulin resistance, making it essential to limit carbohydrate intake. Others might have intolerances to certain types of fats or proteins, which could lead to digestive issues or allergic reactions. Ignoring these factors can not only make the weight loss journey unpleasant but also could pose health risks.

Understanding your own body's responses to different macronutrients can make your weight loss journey smoother and more sustainable. It allows you to customize a diet that you can stick to in the long run, ensuring not just weight loss but also a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Health Conditions

Health conditions can have a profound impact on how your body processes and utilizes macronutrients, and ignoring these factors can potentially derail your weight loss and muscle maintenance goals.

For instance, individuals with diabetes need to be particularly cautious about their carbohydrate intake, as it directly influences blood sugar levels. Managing carbs is crucial not only for weight loss but also for overall diabetic control. For people with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), insulin resistance is often a concern, making a diet higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates often more beneficial for both weight loss and symptom management.

High cholesterol is another condition that can impact your choice of macros. A diet focused on healthier fats from sources like fish, avocado, and olive oil, as opposed to saturated fats from red meat and dairy, can be more conducive to improving lipid profiles. Moreover, balancing the type of fats consumed (omega-3 vs. omega-6) can also have implications for inflammatory conditions.

When dealing with any health condition, it becomes even more critical to consult healthcare providers or specialized dietitians for personalized macro ratios. They can help align your dietary needs with your medical profile, ensuring that your weight loss journey is both effective and safe for your unique health condition.

The Dynamic Nature of Macro Ratios

It's essential to understand that macro ratios are not static. As you lose body fat or gain muscle, your body's energy needs will change, and so will your macro ratios. Regular assessments and recalibrations are essential.

Body Composition Shifts: As you lose fat or gain muscle, your body composition changes. You may find that you need fewer calories as you lose weight, or conversely, that you need more to support new muscle mass. Both scenarios will impact your ideal macro ratios.

Hormonal Changes: Weight loss and muscle gain are influenced by a variety of hormones like insulin, cortisol, and various growth factors. As your body changes, these hormones also fluctuate, affecting how you metabolize proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Adapting your macros to account for these hormonal shifts can be a game-changer in your progress.

Adaptation Phases: Your body's ability to adapt is both a blessing and a curse. Over time, it gets better at doing more with less. For example, you might notice that after a few weeks of a reduced-carb diet, your energy levels stabilize as your body becomes more efficient at using fat for fuel. On the flip side, if you're trying to gain muscle, you may need to increase your protein intake as your body becomes more effective at protein synthesis.

Activity Variability: Your activity levels can fluctuate week to week, influencing your TDEE and, by extension, your macro ratios. A particularly active week may require a temporary bump in carbohydrate and protein intake, for example.

Progress Monitoring: Advanced tests can be useful, but there are simpler methods to effectively monitor your progress. For tracking changes in body composition, consider using progress photos, taking measurements with a tape measure, and noting how your clothes fit differently over time. Additionally, keep an eye on fluctuations in your energy levels and weight to get a sense of whether your caloric needs may be changing. These accessible methods can provide valuable data to help you fine-tune your macro ratios in line with your current status and future goals.

Life Circumstances: Stress, sleep, and other lifestyle factors can impact your metabolic rate and your body’s nutritional needs. These aspects can shift over time, requiring you to adjust your macro ratios accordingly.

Plateaus: You'll likely encounter plateaus on your journey. When weight loss stalls or muscle gains seem to halt, it’s often a sign to reassess your macros. A plateau is often your body’s way of saying it has adapted to your current eating and exercise regimen, necessitating a change.

When it comes to simply losing weight, achieving a caloric deficit is all that's required. However, if your aim is not just to lose weight but to lose body fat, keep it off, and either build or maintain muscle, a much more calculated approach is necessary. This approach, as outlined above, will require consistent adjustments. You may want to hear me say, "Just adopt a 40-30-30 split—40% protein, 30% carbs, and 30% fat—and make sure you're in a deficit." These kinds of macro splits have been popular for decades. People adopt them, lose weight, and—well, you can probably guess what often happens next: they gain it back. 

Based on my experience coaching hundreds of people worldwide, a three-fold strategy proves most effective. Step 1 involves identifying your current average caloric and macro intake needed to maintain your current weight and body fat percentage. Step 2 involves setting new caloric and macro targets based on that maintenance level, taking into account your goals, health considerations, and personal preferences. Step 3 consists of providing ongoing coaching and education, equipping you to eventually manage this process independently. 

This multi-faceted approach has proven successful over the years because it offers exactly what people need: information, education, coaching, and support—not just from my team and me but also equipping you to support yourself. That's precisely why I've written this—to empower you to take control of your own health journey. If you're eager to delve even deeper into the world of macros (yes, there's more!), consider enrolling in our Get Lifted Prep program. If you'd like personalized coaching to help you select the right macros for you, you can apply for our coaching services by clicking here. Now, let's move on to

Step 2 -  Fitness: It's a lifestyle, not an occasion 

The Importance of Lifestyle-Oriented Exercise

If you only hit the gym or walk the track because you're aiming to lose weight, chances are you'll struggle with long-term weight maintenance. That's because this mindset treats physical fitness as a means to an end rather than a way of life. It's crucial to understand that a healthy body is not a project but a lifelong journey. The real change occurs when you integrate regular workouts into your daily life as effortlessly as you would eating or sleeping. If fitness becomes your default setting, the battle to keep the weight off becomes far less daunting.

Ineffectiveness of Calorie-Centric Workouts

Now let's talk about the prevalent but misguided approach of exercising just to burn calories. People often flock to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardio workouts, or group fitness classes with the sole intent of creating a calorie deficit. This approach has several significant drawbacks:

Adaptation: When you engage in repetitive workouts, your body becomes efficient at them, which means you burn fewer calories over time. This diminished return makes it hard to sustain weight loss and easy to hit a plateau.

Caloric Imbalance: Relying on exercise alone to create a calorie deficit is not only ineffective but impractical. It's much easier and more accurate to adjust your caloric intake through dietary changes. An hour of intensive cardio might burn around 300 calories, but consuming those same 300 calories takes a matter of minutes. 

Muscle Loss: Focusing on calorie-burning exercises often leads to muscle depletion. When you lose muscle, your metabolic rate drops, making it easier to gain weight in the future. It's like taking one step forward and two steps back.

The Virtue of Strength Training 

Unlike calorie-focused workouts, strength training aims to build or maintain muscle mass. It is the cornerstone of a fitness routine that supports long-term weight management for several compelling reasons:

Metabolic Boost: Muscle tissue consumes more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. The more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will be, making it easier to maintain or lose weight.

Body Sculpting: Strength training doesn't just help you lose weight; it shapes your body. You'll not only be lighter but more toned and physically fit, which has an array of health benefits, including enhanced mobility and reduced risk of injury.

Hormonal Balance: This is particularly important for women, especially those approaching or in menopause. Hormonal changes can lead to muscle loss, which in turn can slow down metabolism and result in weight gain. Strength training can counteract this process, making it an essential component of fitness for women at all life stages.

In summary, if your goal is sustainable weight loss and improved health, proper strength training is the definitive path. While training methods focused on calorie-burning, such as HIIT, group fitness, and circuit training, may yield quick but fleeting results, they often do not offer the long-term benefits that come with strength training. These calorie-focused approaches can even be counterproductive, leading to muscle loss and a slower metabolism over time.

Take a look around your local gym for real-world evidence. You'll often find that the individuals struggling with weight issues are the ones deeply engaged in cardio or group fitness classes, while those who display a lean, muscular physique are often found in the weight room. The message is clear: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

If you're looking to transform not just your body but your lifestyle, consider investing in a program that focuses on proper strength training. We offer custom workout plans tailored to your specific needs through our Get Lifted Coaching. Now, let's transition to the final and crucial step Mindset.

Step 3- Mindset: The Final Step in Creating a Sustainable Lifestyle Around Health and Fitness

For anyone embarking on a fitness journey, the prevailing wisdom often centers around the "right" diet or the "perfect" workout routine. While these elements are undeniably important, they often overshadow the crucial underpinning of any successful health transformation: mindset. It's not hyperbolic to say that everything we do and everything we are is built on how we think. Below, we'll delve into why mindset is the final, vital piece in the puzzle of creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle and achieving weight loss for good.

The Mindset Dichotomy: Force vs. Privilege—Reframing Your Fitness Narrative

The language we employ doesn't just narrate our experiences; it constructs them. Words wield a unique power to define our emotional landscape and thus impact our actions significantly. Let's take a moment to explore this concept through the lens of fitness and wellness.

When you say, "I have to go to the gym," you involuntarily set up a framework where fitness becomes yet another task on an already burdensome to-do list. This mindset can transform what should be an empowering experience into a laborious obligation, akin to taking out the trash or doing your taxes. The consequence? You end up approaching the gym with a sense of heaviness if not outright dread. Your workouts become joyless activities that you're eager to rush through, and unsurprisingly, your motivation wanes. This negative mental framing can also manifest physically, perhaps causing you to cut corners in your exercise routines or plateau more quickly due to a lack of genuine engagement.

Now, imagine shifting that perspective ever so slightly to, "I get to go to the gym." These simple words do more than just add a positive spin; they fundamentally alter the paradigm. Suddenly, going to the gym transforms from being a "necessary evil" to a coveted opportunity. Instead of dreading it, you start to see the gym as a sanctuary—a place where you can invest in yourself, improve your well-being, and even indulge in some self-care. By considering it a privilege, you unconsciously elevate its importance, thereby approaching each workout with enthusiasm and intent. You’re more likely to give it your all, experiment with new routines, and even extend your time exercising, because you perceive it as a rewarding venture for personal betterment.

This is the essence of an optimistic or growth-oriented mindset: it encourages you to approach fitness as a vehicle for transformation, rather than an imposed formality. This shift has a ripple effect, affecting how you plan your workouts, how diligently you stick to your fitness regimen, and most critically, how sustainable your fitness journey becomes in the long run. With this attitude, each day becomes an exciting chapter in your lifelong wellness narrative, rather than a hurdle to clear. And the gym turns from a place you 'have' to visit into a platform that offers you the tools to sculpt not just your body, but also your life.

The Multiplier Effect: The Ripple Impact of a Positive Mindset

The significance of a healthy mindset extends far beyond the confines of the gym or the parameters of your diet plan. In many ways, a positive mindset acts as a multiplier that amplifies your efforts and achievements across different dimensions of life, affecting your physical health, mental resilience, aesthetic transformation, and cognitive functioning. Let's delve into this concept further.

When you start thinking positively about your fitness journey, the ripple effects manifest in unexpected areas. Take food as an example—our relationship with it is extraordinarily complex, influenced by culture, upbringing, and most notably, our mindset. In many parts of the world, food scarcity leads to malnutrition and suffering. In contrast, in affluent societies, an abundance of food often contributes to unhealthy eating habits and obesity. These different challenges both originate from a complicated psychological relationship with food, often shaped by societal norms and individual beliefs.

By approaching your meals with the mindset that each bite is an opportunity for nourishment and growth, you shift the focus away from guilt or obligation. You start viewing food as a friend, not a foe; a building block, not a stumbling block. This mental shift doesn't just result in wiser food choices; it can also lead to a more balanced and holistic lifestyle. You'll find yourself naturally gravitating towards foods that serve your body's needs—proteins for muscle building, fibers for digestion, and carbohydrates for energy. And because you view these foods as fuel for your life’s ambitions, you're less likely to indulge in empty calories or emotionally driven binge eating.

Moreover, this shift in perspective also positively impacts your mental well-being. A mind that is not burdened by guilt or stress is freer to focus on objectives, relationships, and self-improvement. The notion that "I'm doing something beneficial for myself" can be an incredible morale booster that propels you in both personal and professional spheres.

But perhaps the most surprising outcome of adopting a positive mindset is how it can change the very contours of your thought process. Positivity tends to foster creativity, enhance problem-solving abilities, and encourage a 'can-do' attitude. In a sense, your optimistic approach to health and fitness can become a template for tackling other challenges in life, turning you into a more competent, confident individual.

The Global Perspective

Take water as another example. In some countries, clean drinking water is a luxury, whereas in others, people ignore water in favor of sodas, teas, and coffees. We need to adopt a mindset that respects the resources we have, appreciating them not as ordinary but as extraordinary privileges that can empower us to live healthier lives.

The Path to Transformation

Changing your mindset is not an overnight endeavor; it's a continuous, evolving process that lays the cornerstone for achieving sustainable health and fitness. Committing to a mindset shift is the prelude to action, the cognitive rearrangement that sets the stage for physical change. It serves as the bridge between your current self and the person you aspire to be. Once you align your mindset with your goals, you're not just wandering aimlessly; you're on a path. And like any meaningful journey, it requires a map. Below is a comprehensive 10-step guide designed to steer you through the intricate maze of mindset transformation.

The 10-Step Guide to Transformative Mindset for Lasting Health and Fitness

Step 1: Self-Audit

Kickstart your journey by performing a self-audit of your existing thought patterns and habits. Recognize the thoughts that serve as barriers to your progress. Make a list, because the first step towards change is awareness.

Step 2: Set a Vision

What do you see when you close your eyes and imagine your healthiest self? Solidify this vision by creating a vision board or jotting down a vivid description. Make this your mental blueprint.

Step 3: Create S.M.A.R.T Goals

Turn your vision into action by setting S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Replace vague aspirations like "I want to be healthier" with concrete goals such as "I will run three miles every other day."

Step 4: Establish a Daily Routine

Incorporate your health and fitness goals into your daily life. Design a daily routine that includes time for meal preparation, exercise, mindfulness, and sleep. Consistency is your greatest ally in this transformation.

Step 5: Find Your Tribe

Your environment shapes you. Surround yourself with individuals who share your vision and can provide the emotional and motivational support you need. A community not only offers camaraderie but also accountability.

Step 6: Mindful Consumption

Treat eating as a ritual. Apply mindfulness to your meals: savor each bite, relish the flavors, and pay attention to how your body responds. Move away from eating as an emotional crutch to viewing it as nourishment.

Step 7: Reaffirm and Visualize

Reinforce your new mindset daily with affirmations and visualizations. Start and end your day by mentally reciting your goals and picturing yourself achieving them.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

Progress monitoring is crucial. Maintain a journal, or utilize a tracking app, to log physical metrics and emotional milestones. If you find a strategy isn't yielding results, be agile enough to tweak it.

Step 9: Celebrate Wins, Learn from Losses

Every achievement, no matter how minor, is a step forward. Celebrate it. Similarly, don't be discouraged by setbacks. Instead, consider them as valuable lessons that offer insights into how you can adjust your approach.

Step 10: Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Embrace the journey as ongoing. The landscape of health and wellness is constantly evolving, and so should your strategies and goals. Whether it's through books, podcasts, or seminars, continue to educate yourself and adapt your mindset accordingly.

By following these detailed steps, you lay the foundation for a transformative mindset that enables not just weight loss, but a lifelong journey of health, fitness, and well-being.

Summary and Recap: 

Preamble: Creating a Lifestyle, Not a Temporary Fix

Before diving into this transformative journey, it's vital to set the stage with a foundational understanding: this is not about a flash-in-the-pan diet or a transient workout regimen. This is about constructing a sustainable lifestyle centered around your health and fitness. Start by calculating your maintenance calories to acquire a nuanced understanding of what it takes to maintain your current weight. Armed with this foundational knowledge, you're better equipped to navigate the challenging steps that follow.

Step 1: Strategic Caloric Planning

The initial step requires conscientious decision-making: Are you prepared for a caloric deficit, or is your focus on muscle-building to optimize your metabolism? This decision should stem from your calculated maintenance calories and a balanced approach to macronutrients. This is not merely about reducing calories; it's about nourishing your body in a manner that resonates with your long-term fitness goals.

Step 2: Focused Strength Training

Your physique is essentially a byproduct of your training approach. If a lean, defined body that withstands the test of time is your aspiration, strength training must be an integral component of your fitness routine. The objective is to either construct muscle mass or maintain existing muscle, impacting your metabolic rate, strength, and overall physique beneficially.

Step 3: Cultivating an Unstoppable Mindset

Longevity in health and low body fat percentages are not sustained by fleeting motivations; they necessitate a dedicated mindset. Your health, akin to your home or car, warrants regular maintenance and investment.

The Stark Reality: A Cautionary Tale

Consider the devastating impact of irreversible health conditions like diabetes, which could lead to severe complications like limb amputation. Would someone who has lost a leg due to diabetes not trade all their worldly possessions to reclaim their former state of health? The hard reality is that while financial wealth is recoverable, some aspects of your health are not. Time and health, once lost, cannot be regained.

Your Empowering Action Plan

This is your wake-up call, not to instill fear, but to ignite a spark of determination within you. Remember, your health isn't just another item on your to-do list; it's the foundation upon which your entire life is built. By embracing these three essential steps, you're not merely changing numbers on a scale or the size of your clothes. You're unlocking a future of enhanced well-being, boundless energy, and an enriched, fulfilling life. Take charge today; your future self will thank you.

Get Lifted University Now Open for Enrollment!

Get Lifted University offers the ultimate program for sustainable weight loss, nutrition, and fitness. Not only will you be guided step by step, but you’ll also learn how to maintain your results for life—with dedicated support at every stage. Don’t miss out—secure your spot today before enrollment closes! Click the link below to join now!

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God Bless.  Let's Work.