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Daily Dose #1 From Monotony to Opportunity

mindset motivation weight loss Jul 18, 2024

The life we currently live stems from our current way of thinking. Our way of thinking is heavily influenced by our closest connections—parents, family, friends—and by our immediate environment, including work, news, and social media. From a young age, we are not only taught what to think but also how to think. Let’s delve deeper into this.

From an early age, some people are taught that money and food are scarce and that it is disrespectful not to clean your plate. Others are taught that healthy food is too expensive and fast food is cheaper and quicker. Some are led to believe that they don’t need to work out; a few months of cardio and a diet can instantly transform their bodies. Similarly, some are taught to save money, while others are encouraged to invest.

These teachings shape who we become. Our daily thoughts define our identity. One of the most effective ways to change your life is to start questioning your thoughts. Engage in self-reflection. Ask yourself: Why am I the way I am? What have I gained or lost by being this way? Do I want to continue on this path? What do I truly want out of life? Why don’t I have it now? Can I achieve my goals by staying the same person? How would my life change if I changed my way of thinking?

Take a moment to think about this. “Most people relive the same six months.” They follow the same routine, job, friends, restaurants, and vacations. Now, consider your closest friends and family members. How much have they changed in the past 10 years? Have they changed at all? Now look at yourself. How much have you changed? Have you changed at all?

When was the first time you wanted to lose weight and keep it off? Did you succeed? If you had thought differently 10 years ago, would you have lost the weight then? Would you be making more money if you knew 10 years ago what you know now? If you could go back in time, would you start exercising and tracking your food instead of delaying and repeatedly starting and stopping?

Final question: If you could go back in time and coach yourself on how to navigate life, what advice would you give? Would you tell your past self to be more confident? Take more chances? Have more self-belief? Exercise more? Read more? Invest more? Take more vacations? Spend more time with your parents, kids, friends, spouse?

Here’s the key point: Are you telling your current self these things now? Who you were 10 years ago led to who you are, what you are, and what you have today. The only way to gain new experiences, better outcomes, and ideal results is to change our inputs. As Albert Einstein stated, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” To achieve more, we must become more, and we become what we think about most.

Listen to people talk about their problems. They often keep the same problems because they repeat the same thoughts, so it’s no wonder they repeat the same six months over and over. They have no new inputs, no new ideas, no new way of thinking. If you want a better life, you have to stop advocating for your current one. Most people don’t change because they don’t try to. How can you be uncomfortable with your outcomes in life yet comfortable with yourself?

You want to lose weight, get into a new relationship, make more money? Great! It starts with changing your thinking. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. So start now. Your future self depends on it. 

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God Bless.  Let's Work.